
What is a Solar Panel Pro Accreditation?

The Solar Industry has several certifications to become an installer, however, selling it is a different story. Over the years the Solar Industry has been inconsistent with messaging. This is why Solar Panel Pro was formed.

Our Goal is to create a unified industry with superior training and an Accreditation process you can promote proudly. As a Solar Panel Pro, you have taken the extra step to ensure you or your staff are fully trained on everything solar. From Standard systems, selling storage and the process through Install, you know the industry and what is required to properly educate homeowners and provide the right solutions.

Real Estate Agents are no different. With all the training they go through, solar is not taught in detail leaving a gap in the knowledge. The solar is installed directly on the roof the home you are trying to sell. Understanding the basics removes the “fear” of solar that has been growing the in industry, as well as teaches the process to help their buyers and sellers properly buy or sell their home with solar previously installed. In the United States, only 3% of homes have gone solar, but is projected to be as much as 40% by 2035. Learn the basics of solar, why homeowners buy, and what the process is to sell your listings with Solar.

This Accreditation signifies that you have gone through the proper training required to sell solar panels through a sales organization or installer. Getting Accredited as a Solar Panel Pro is not a Federal or State Requirement to buy or sell solar panels, nor does it give you the accreditations necessary to install solar panels. Similar to the BBB Accreditations, you are placed in higher regard in your industry and by your consumers.

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